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  • Ed Gein

  • The True Crime Story of the Gruesome Serial Killer and Body Snatcher
  • De : Hunter Hanson
  • Lu par : Jeff Bower
  • Durée : 1 h et 31 min

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Couverture de Ed Gein

Ed Gein

De : Hunter Hanson
Lu par : Jeff Bower
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    Witness the disturbing true story of serial killer and infamous body snatcher Ed Gein.

    Inside this chilling true crime audiobook, you’ll peel back the curtain on one of the most twisted and psychopathic men to ever stalk America. Known as the Butcher of Plainfield and the Plainfield Ghoul, his gut-wrenching crimes have fascinated and terrified people ever since his shocking arrest.

    Now, you’ll be taken on a journey to unmask his crimes, from his gruesome killings to his horrific love of building decorations from human body parts. Told with gritty detail and drawing on real reports and testimonies, this true crime biography expertly retraces Gein’s life, illuminating his troubled upbringing and family life, his grisly killings, and the police investigation that shocked the nation.

    Ed Gein may not have the highest kill count or the darkest backstory, but his corrupted psyche has earned him a place among the most sinister serial killers to ever live. Perfect for true crime fans and anybody who wants to peer into the dark and terrible things that seemingly “ordinary” people are capable of, Ed Gein: The True Crime Story of the Gruesome Serial Killer and Body Snatcher is a frightening listen that will stick with you long after you finish.

    Start listening today to discover the story of Ed Gein–if you dare....

    ©2022 Hunter Hanson (P)2022 Flâneur Media

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