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Couverture de Economics for Young Minds

Economics for Young Minds

De : Luigi Pascal Rondanini
Lu par : Luigi Pascal Rondanini
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    Embark on an exciting journey into the world of economics with "Economics for Young Minds," part of the "For Young Minds" series. This captivating and informative book is specifically designed for curious children aged 11-15, providing them with a basic foundation in economic concepts and principles.

    From personal finance to global markets, "Economics for Young Minds" covers a wide range of topics in an engaging and accessible manner. Listeners will explore the fundamentals of supply and demand, money management, entrepreneurship, and the role of governments in shaping economic policies. Real-life examples, relatable characters, and vibrant illustrations make complex ideas easy to grasp and retain.

    But this book goes slightly beyond the basics, introducing young listeners to cutting-edge developments in economics, such as digital currencies and the evolving landscape of international trade. Practical advice on saving, investing, and making informed financial decisions empowers children to take charge of their economic futures from an early age.

    Whether your child aspires to start their own business, make a positive impact on society, or understand the economic forces that shape our world, "Economics for Young Minds" provides a good launching pad. This book not only imparts valuable knowledge but also helps develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills that will trigger your child's curiosity and, hopefully, serve your child well throughout their life.Give your child a head start in mastering the essential principles of economics. "Economics for Young Minds" is an investment in their future success, equipping them with the tools they need to navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

    Order now and watch as your child develops a lifelong passion for economics and a deeper understanding of the world around them.

    ©2024 Luigi Pascal Rondanini (P)2024 Luigi Pascal Rondanini
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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