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Couverture de Eclipse Realm

Eclipse Realm

De : Luna Arwen
Lu par : Colin Campbell
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    In "Lunar Shadows," the first book of the "Eclipsed Realms" series, sixteen-year-old Amara Matthews discovers a hidden legacy that changes her life forever. On the night of her birthday, a mystical pendant awakens her dormant powers, revealing her true identity as a Moon Guardian. Guided by the wise Selene and mentored by the steadfast Lucas, Amara embarks on a journey to master her abilities and protect the balance between light and dark forces.

    As Amara navigates her new responsibilities, she also struggles to maintain a semblance of normalcy in her high school life. Her growing friendship with the mysterious new student, Ryan, introduces her to a world of sun magic and deepens the complexities of her journey. Together, they face shadowy creatures and the menacing Shadow King, forging bonds and uncovering secrets that will shape their destinies.

    Filled with magic, suspense, and heartfelt moments, "Lunar Shadows" is an enchanting tale of self-discovery, courage, and the enduring power of friendship. Join Amara and her allies as they step into the mystical world of the Moon Guardians and prepare for the ultimate battle to protect their realm.

    ©2024 Adriano Alamia (P)2024 Adriano Alamia

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