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Echoes of a Seer

De : Angela K. French
Lu par : Morgan K
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    Abby is an ordinary seventeen-year-old living with her family in Northern California, or so she thinks.

    The night of her graduation, everything changes. After a strange accident, Abby wakes up to find she has been transported to another planet named Ozam with beautiful lands and more advanced cities than Earth.

    This new world would change everything she had ever believed was true, yet it is a place she somehow knew from the depths of her childhood dreams.

    However, just as she is settling into this new way of life, everything starts to shift. She soon learns that she has been a part of this world all along and holds the ability of seeing future events and remotely viewing past and present events as they occurred, ranging powerfully long distances. She is becoming aware of the importance of her gifts and is now being hunted by rival leaders in order to use her visions for their own gains and to prevent any rulers of Ozam from having any future insight from her.

    Abby is assigned under the protection of Kaden Zoraan until they can stop her hunters, and though their relationship is strictly forbidden, they are inexplicably drawn to each other.

    Can Kaden keep her safe despite his growing feelings for her, or will she fall prey to those who find her?

    Echoes of a Seer is book 1 in the Starbinds Series. For the best listening experience, it is recommended to listen to the books in order.

    ©2023 Angela K. French (P)2024 Angela K. French

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