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Ebony and Her Crown

De : Nicole Marshall
Lu par : Kasey Miracle
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This story was written to inspire young children to love the skin they're in.

Ebony and Her Crown highlights the perspective of a curious toddler who has a big afro, and is uncertain about the nature of her hair. Ebony then turns to her mother for answers. In this mother-daughter duo, Ebony's mother helps her to understand that her hair is meant to be big and wild, and she should wear it with pride.

This audiobook is a reminder that social conditioning starts when you are young, and follows you into your adult years. When children are able to see themselves represented as the main characters in books and television shows, the experience can boost self-esteem, and self-worth. Lack of representation can be harmful to a child, and can impact their self-image, and how they interact with others.

A positive self-image can boost our mental, social, and emotional well-being. This audiobook is here to help!

©2022 Nicole Marshall (P)2022 Nicole Marshall
  • Version intégrale Livre audio
  • Catégories : Jeunesse
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