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Couverture de Eat Your Way to God

Eat Your Way to God

De : Guy Caskey
Lu par : Philip D. Moore
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    Eat Your Way to God is about the life our creator designed us for. Discover the healing power of our food, and how it is an illustration of a deeper hunger within us all for the ultimate healer Christ the Tree of Life. Learn how the patterns or traditions we develop around our food are indicators of true spiritual and relational health.

    True health, which is holistic - body, soul, and spirit - is transferred from house to house, generation to generation, and the dinner table plays a key role in the transference of a lasting legacy. God's greatest desire is for His people to be connected to Him, to metabolize His life, to express His life so that the nations will be healed and curses will be broken.

    The Bible begins with a Tree of Life before the fall of Adam and ends with the Tree of Life who has restored us with a new heaven and earth. Christ is the Tree of Life that brings healing to the nations and sustains us while we are journeying through a fallen world.

    • Learn about the healer of our body, our soul, and our spirit.
    • Discover the importance of community at the dinner table.
    • Learn how a true disciple expresses Christ's life.
    • Discover a spiritual and relational health that changes lives.
    • Learn about unhealthy patterns that keep us from functioning by design.
    • Discover the Tree of Life.
    ©2015 Guy Caskey (P)2015 Worldwide Publishing Group

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