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Easy Crafts for the Insane

De : Kelly Williams Brown
Lu par : Kelly Williams Brown
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    From the New York Times best-selling author of Adulting comes a story about how to make something when you’re capable of nothing.

    Kelly Williams Brown had 700 bad days. Her marriage collapsed, she broke three limbs in separate and unrelated incidents, her father was diagnosed with cancer, and she fell into a deep depression that ended in what could delicately be referred to as a “rest cure” at an inpatient facility. Before that, she had several very good years: She wrote a best-selling book, spoke at NASA, had a beautiful wedding, and inspired hundreds of thousands of readers to live as grown-ups in an often-screwed-up world, though these accomplishments mostly just made her feel fraudulent.

    One of the few things that kept her moving forward was, improbably, crafting. Not Martha Stewart-perfect crafting, either - what could be called “simple”, “accessible”, or, perhaps, “rustic” creations were the joy and accomplishments she found in her worst days. To craft is to set things right in the littlest of ways; no matter how disconnected you feel, you can still fold a tiny paper star, and that’s not nothing.

    In Easy Crafts for the Insane, crafting tutorials serve as the backdrop of a life dissolved, then glued back together. Surprising, humane, and utterly unforgettable, this is a poignant and hysterical look at the unexpected, messy coping mechanisms we use to find ourselves again.

    This audiobook edition includes a downloadable PDF that contains crafting instructions, a supply list, and illustrations from the book. 

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2021 Kelly Williams Brown (P)2021 Penguin Audio


    “In Easy Crafts for the Insane, crafting tutorials serve as the backdrop of a life dissolved, then glued back together. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you might even make things.” (Country Living)

    “[Easy Crafts for the Insane] combines basic crafting tutorials with moving and amusing biographical aspects in an effort to help readers tackle mental health issues…[Kelly’s] own experience of the positive impacts of crafting, which helped her get through her darkest days, inspired [her] to write this highly autobiographical, undeniably practical, and very entertaining self-help book.” (San Francisco Book Review)

    "Kelly Williams Brown has created an incredibly valuable handy thing: a book you can either treasure for yourself or simply hurl to/at people in your life who don't understand about mental health obstacles but whom you really wish would. And! Another cool thing: anyone can follow the craft ideas to occupy a mind that desperately needs a break while creating neat whimsical objects. The book is humane, funny as hell, and relatable. It will help both our collective mental health and the glue and glitter industries." (John Moe, author of The Hilarious World of Depression

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