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Couverture de Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years

Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years

De : Stacy McAnulty
Lu par : Samantha Turret
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    Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years is a lighthearted nonfiction audiobook about the formation and history of the Earth - told from the perspective of the Earth itself!

    "Hi, I’m Earth! But you can call me Planet Awesome."

    Prepare to learn all about Earth from the point of view of Earth herself! In this funny yet informative book, filled to the brim with kid-friendly facts, listeners will discover key moments in Earth’s life, from her childhood more than four billion years ago all the way up to present day. Beloved children's book author Stacy McAnulty helps Earth tell her story. The audiobook includes back matter with even more interesting tidbits.

    This title has Common Core connections.

    A Macmillan Audio production from Henry Holt and Company

    ©2017 Stacy McAnulty (P)2021 Macmillan Audio


    A Junior Library Guild Selection

    "McAnulty and Litchfield cast planet Earth as an exuberant celestial body...who couldn’t be happier to share its life story.... Terrifically entertaining." (Publishers Weekly, starred review)

    "A humorous approach to planetary facts for the elementary grades." (School Library Journal)

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