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Couverture de Earth Boys Are Easy

Earth Boys Are Easy

De : C. Rochelle
Lu par : Gabriel Michael, Nick J. Russo
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    What's a superhero to do when his own family sees his powers as unimpressive and he's fifth in line for the throne?

    Set my sights on getting space married to a hot alien, of course! For science.

    Ziggy Andromeda is a skinsuit-stealing mercenary who's so far out of my league, he might as well be in another galaxy, but there's nothing I love more than a challenge.

    And his spaceship has only one bed!

    Unfortunately, a home planet conspiracy is threatening our besties-with-benefits situationship, along with my dream of putting a Saturn-sized ring on it and locking Ziggy down for good. Rude.

    I came for a deep space adventure with my hot-bod bodysnatcher, and I intend to complete my mission, no matter what.

    For science!


    Out of all the supes on this sad little floating rock, Micah Salah has impressed me the most.

    I've never let anyone as close to me as he is—for their protection and mine—but I can't seem to resist Micah's gravitational pull.

    Plus. he smells like goddamn candy. He probably tastes like candy… No. Bad Ziggy.

    Unfortunately, this superpowered Earthling has not only joined me on assignment but in my bed. This wouldn't be a problem if my true form hadn't already claimed him as my mate, even though I suspect I'm nothing but a temporary detour on his intergalactic travels.

    Too bad I'd rather live inside him. Permanently.

    I'm determined to respect Micah's personal space, even if the forces conspiring against us make me want to tighten my tendrils and never let him go.

    Because he's mine.


    Earth Boys Are Easy is book one in the new Villains in Space series, and is an idiots-in-love tale, where the spice heats up quickly but the emotions are glacially slow, set in space with only one sleeping pod and an entire skinsuit closet full of alien accessories. Things are gonna get weird, but if you're here for it, dock yourself to my spice station and hang on for the ride!

    While the events in Villains in Space take place after the Villainous Things series, you can start your adventure here before orbiting back to the series that started it all.

    ©2024 C. Rochelle (P)2024 Podium Audio

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