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Couverture de Earl Crazy

Earl Crazy

De : Anna Bradley
Lu par : Heather Wilds
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    Christopher Egan, heir to the notorious Prestwick Earldom, is one of London's most scandalous rakes. He's never credited the gossips' claim that fate cast an ancient curse on every successive Earl of Prestwick as punishment for their wickedness, but once he inherits the earldom after his infamous uncle's untimely demise, it looks as if he may be the next to lose his head. Determined to cheat the curse and avoid his ancestors' grisly fate, Kit abandons his life of merry debauchery and embarks on a London season to wed the lady he's long been promised to.

    Mathilda Templeton has a knack for causing scandal. Wherever she goes, it follows on her heels. London is the last place such a provocative lady should dare set foot, but when her shy friend Harriett is sent to London for a season, Tilly is determined to protect Harriett from all the scoundrels salivating over her impressive dowry. All she has to do is find her friend a proper match without falling prey to another scandal.

    When the scandalous Earl of Prestwick makes a play for Harriett's hand, Tilly vows to do whatever she must to stop him. But when the battle of wills between them leads to a stolen kiss, Tilly fears she may have fallen in love with London's most charming scoundrel.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2023 Anna Bradley (P)2024 Tantor

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