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  • Ear Training Course for Piano: Chords

  • Practice That and Become Great at Piano Playing | A Music Lesson You Don't Want to Miss (Ear Training Course for ... Music Lesson You Don't Want to Miss, Book 2
  • De : Julia Whitlock
  • Lu par : Florian Kockott
  • Durée : 6 h et 27 min

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Ear Training Course for Piano: Chords

De : Julia Whitlock
Lu par : Florian Kockott
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    Hi, fellow music lover! Congratulations on starting your music-making journey.

    Ear training is one of the most rewarding skills you can develop, and it’s one that you can work on every day. Which makes total sense: music is an aural experience, after all. Ear training helps you turn the music you hear into music you make on your piano. This works for your own musical ideas, too: when you dream up a great riff or chord progression, you naturally want to sit down and play it right away. Ear training helps you do just that.

    This lesson is broken into several chapters. The first part focuses on chord identification exercises, starting with grouped chords and ending with all chords mixed up. The second part of the book focuses on extremely valuable exercises with the help of a drone. The third part brings you very close to a real-life situation. Short chord progressions played by either a full band or a solo piano put your ears to the final test.

    Best of all, this lesson doesn’t limit itself to dry theory: after a brief introduction to every concept, we completely focus on listening exercises to sharpen your ear.

    Oh, and before I forget, the most important tip of all: have fun!

    What's inside the audiobook:

    • all triads, i.e., major, minor, suspended, augmented, diminished, covered
    • all commonly used sixth and seventh chords, i.e., major 6th, minor 6th, major 7th, dominant 7th, minor major 7th, minor 7th, minor 7th b5, covered
    • well-chosen chord comparisons, plus final exam
    • 6+ hours of chord exercises
    • calm & encouraging male narrator
    • bonus track preparing for real-life situations
    • holistic approach
    ©2021 Julia Whitlock (P)2021 Julia Whitlock

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