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Couverture de Each Night Was Illuminated

Each Night Was Illuminated

De : Jodi Lynn Anderson
Lu par : Reba Buhr
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    With writing that sparks off the page, New York Times bestselling author Jodi Lynn Anderson tells a story of saints and floods, secrets and truths, rage and love—and the bravery it takes to bet your whole life on a new kind of hope.

    The day the train fell in the lake, Cassie stopped believing in much of anything, despite growing up in a devout Catholic family. Then she set her mind to forgetting the strange boy named Elias who was with her when it happened.

    When Elias comes back to town after many years away, Cassie finds herself talked into sneaking out at night to follow him ghost-hunting—though she knows better than to believe they will find any spirits.

    Still, the more time she spends with Elias—with his questions, his rebelliousness, his imagination that is so much bigger than the box she has made for herself—the more Cassie thinks that even in a world that seems broken beyond repair, there just may be something worth believing in.

    An unmissable novel for fans of Nina LaCour and Jandy Nelson!

    ©2022 Jodi Lynn Anderson (P)2022 HarperCollins Publishers

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