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Couverture de ESSENCE


De : Ann Emerson, Bo Lockwood
Lu par : Dave Kropf, Shannon Kropf
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    As of 2018, human existence is at a precarious point in history. Most of us are living in a state of scarcity, continually experiencing worry, drama, and fear. Power, greed, and control rule our existence through oppression. The richest 1 percent keeps getting richer, while most of our families are struggling for survival. Our existence reflects the old-paradigm story of constrictive, 20th-century living. There is a better way. 

    Are you ready to disconnect from this old-paradigm story? Are you ready to discover your truth and take back your power to choose? Essence invites us all to break free from this constrictive story by awakening our sleeping souls. As we do so, we learn to see from a much broader perspective. 

    From here, we begin to discover more options to create a wonderful life. Essence shares 44 aspects toward expanding the way we view ourselves, inspiring us to create an egalitarian world. Become part of our existence in the new-paradigm story of expansive 21st-century living - a place of greater love, joy, freedom, abundance, and peace. 

    Essence is a gateway for birthing a new human existence that lives in harmony and balance with ourselves and all of nature - where our choices honor the next seven generations. This is the foundational book for the Essence trilogy book series. The series presents a choice to live on the expansive path. We begin by taking a journey inward, healing ourselves, opening our hearts to the infinite possibilities of 21st-century living.

    ©2014, 2017 Princeton Green LLC (P)2018 Ann Barlow Emerson Publishing

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