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Dylan McFinn and the Sea Serpent's Fury

De : Liam Jenkins
Lu par : Talisker Little
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Dylan sat gazing out of his classroom window, waiting for the bell to ring. He was watching seahorses playing in the reeds of sea kelp swaying in the gentle current…and not paying any attention at all to the math lesson that was continuing outside of his daydream.

“Pssst … psst,” Dylan heard behind him. Murdoch passed a note forward. Dylan quickly grabbed it and opened it under his desk without Mrs Pike-Teeth seeing it. It read, "Happy birthday Bubble Boy!”

Dylan McFinn is an ordinary 12-year-old. Ordinary, that is, if you ignore the fact that he lives deep under the Pacific Ocean with his family, The McFinn’s. As he battles monsters and maelstroms on his first day as a teenager, Dylan discovers that he can be an awful lot more than he imagines and a nostalgic trip to the past was more than just a rite of passage. It was a passage to his destiny.

©2019 Liam Jenkins (P)2023 Liam Jenkins
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