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Couverture de Dudes Hard Target

Dudes Hard Target

De : Tyler Reynolds, Emily Kay Johnson
Lu par : Mark Sanderlin
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    New, hard hitting adventures! Enjoy the series in any order.

    It’s a new school year, and the Dudes have got security work to do. See how they give their parents a phishing lesson, thwart package bandits, and combat snack bullies. Laugh as the Dudes take on: An Ex-Special Forces Sensei, A Pizza Gun, and Snowman Decapitation!

    You’ll learn how to recycle a tank, how to dodge a Dibbly Dobbly, and what Deven does with a talking stick. The Dudes take on school security with their own brand of enthusiasm, making Sherwood Middle a defensible position and targeting the fun!

    For kids 8-14.

    The Dudes are a diverse group of modern preteen boys with awesome ideas for IRL action. These five best friends find clever ways to have fun and, incidentally, turn their suburban neighborhood upside down.

    Voice actor, Mark Sanderlin’s ironic lilt delivers the laughs with snarky charm!

    Family-friendly neighborhood adventures to play anywhere in digital audio format.

    This diary of Dude-approved adventures is filled with classic boy fun like: battles, corny jokes, snowmen, wacky schemes, secret codes, and classroom chaos!

    Appeals to kids who choose humor over a serious message.

    Classic humor without movie tie-ins, butts or fart jokes. Realistic fiction for better-than-real life laughs.

    Warning: Evidence suggests that kids may imagine some resemblance between the Dudes’ parents and their own.

    Funny, family-friendly backyard adventures!

    ©2021 Emily Kay Johnson (P)2023 Emily Kay Johnson

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