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Couverture de Dreaming Under an Island Skye

Dreaming Under an Island Skye

De : Lisa Hobman
Lu par : Eilidh Beaton
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    Is there really such a thing as a second shot at true love?

    After three wonderful years of marriage, librarian Juliette Fairhurst’s heart is shattered when her husband, Laurie, is taken from her much too soon.

    Devasted, Juliette decides to take a sabbatical and reconnect with her mother’s birthplace, the village of Glentorrin on the picturesque Isle of Skye.

    Welcomed by most of the villagers, Juliette throws herself into an idyllic community life, taking on the role of temporary summer guardian at The Lifeboat House Museum: a role that offers her the perfect escape from the tragedy of her real life.

    During her time on the island, Juliette clashes with brooding single dad and artist Reid Mackinnon and is befriended by his son Evin and dog Chewie. It’s clear that divorced Reid is struggling and scarred by his own painful experiences.

    Can these two lost souls find a lifeline to rescue each other?

    Or will their pasts scupper their second chance at real happiness?

    ©2021 Lisa Hobman (P)2021 Boldwood Books Ltd
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance


    "I love it! - escape to the beautiful Isle of Skye with this feel-good, uplifting story of lost love and second chances...." (Best-selling author Holly Martin)

    "You will fall in love with this story of fresh starts and mending broken hearts." (Best-selling author Mandy Baggot)

    "A gorgeous, heart-warming romantic journey, reminds us to never give up on love...." (Best-selling author Lucy Coleman)

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