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Couverture de Dream Walker

Dream Walker

De : Shannan Sinclair
Lu par : Shannan Sinclair
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    Do dreams really come true? Much to Aislen Walker’s dismay, they do.

    Like most young women, she only wants a normal life—to finish school, become a nurse, maybe even travel the world someday. But one night she has a terrible nightmare and watches helplessly as a young boy executes a man in cold blood.

    What she wants to believe is only a bad dream turns out to be an actual murder! Is this all for real? Is she just going crazy? Or is she, as her dead-beat dad tries to tell her, a “walker,” one with a special talent for crossing into different dimensions?

    If she believes him, she stumbled into The Stratum, a dimension run by powerful organization that manipulates and controls the real-world through it. And they really don’t like strangers wandering in, fouling up their plans or exposing their nefarious deeds.

    In the first episode of the Walker Saga, Aislen must decide what is true and what’s a lie, who she can trust and who she can’t and discover who and what she really is, in a reality where nothing and nobody is what they seem.

    This. Is. Not. A. Dream.

    Dream Walker is a fast-paced, action-packed thriller that explores the power and possibilities of our limitless human consciousness within the trappings of a conspiracy thriller. For listeners who loved Fringe, The OA, or movies such as Dr. Strange, Source Code, Inception, and the The Adjustment Bureau.

    Pick up this pause resister today!

    ©2011, 2017 Shannan Sinclair (P)2024 Shannan Sinclair

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