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Couverture de Drawn In

Drawn In

De : Sioux Trett
Lu par : Almond Eastland
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    Who says having all your dreams come true is a good thing?

    Serenity Winters is taking the summer off. After her last year included crushing on the wrong guy (again), having her best friend move all the way across the country, and an unexpected loss she's still not prepared to deal with, she deserves it. And a visit to see Maia in California seems the perfect getaway. 

    Beaches, bonfires, and boys? Yes please! 

    But Rennie's dreams aren't so easy to elude. Sketching what she can remember of them helps some, but her drawings are taking on a life of their own, and the dreams they represent are starting to come true. 

    Enter Alex, who may or may not be perfect. No, who is she kidding? He's perfect. Great hair, plus he can quote Hamlet and Yoda? Come on! But Alex has secrets of his own, namely a hidden ability to transport himself through time using a book as a portal. 

    Could it be that both Rennie and Alex are being drawn into the same mystery? They better find out quickly, because her dreams are getting louder. And they know her by name.

    ©2015 Sioux Trett (P)2019 Sioux Trett

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