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  • Dragon's Magic

  • Irresistible Dragons, Book 4
  • De : Nora Phoenix
  • Lu par : John Solo
  • Durée : 7 h et 31 min

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Dragon's Magic

De : Nora Phoenix
Lu par : John Solo
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    Just when he’s given up hope for a mate, Fate throws Yitro a curveball...

    Omega Yitro has given up hope he’ll ever find a mate. At thirty-eight, his peak fertile years are behind him, and now that he’s pregnant as a surrogate for the pack alpha and his mate, no one will want him.

    He’s okay with that. He’s fulfilling his dream of becoming a dad and has all he needs, including friends, like his roommate, Duer, whom he has grown close to.

    When Fallon, a new dragon omega, moves into their cabin, he fits right in. Three men, all with considerable baggage, connect in ways they never expect. They spend a lot of time together, forging a closer bond every day.

    As attraction grows between Duer and Fallon, Yitro is unexpectedly hurt and jealous. He should be happy for them, but suddenly, he can’t bear the thought of being alone. Without them. What is happening?

    Meanwhile, the dragons develop their magical abilities, and they’ll need them because with every question they find answers to, they uncover more of the opposition they’re facing. But with honor and truth on their side, they’re ready to fight for what they believe.

    Dragon’s Magic is the fourth book in the Irresistible Dragons series, which needs to be listened to in order. This book ends on a cliffhanger, and the romance and the overall plot will continue in the next book.

    ©2023 Nora Phoenix (P)2024 Nora Phoenix

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