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  • Dragon's Eye: Who's Watching You?

  • The Jack and Maddy Gamble Series, Book 2
  • De : Gregor Pratt
  • Lu par : Gregor Pratt
  • Durée : 10 h et 54 min

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Dragon's Eye: Who's Watching You?

De : Gregor Pratt
Lu par : Gregor Pratt
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    Awarded Bronze Place in the 2023 Feathered Quill Book Awards Program for the mystery/suspense category!

    He’s not sure if he can trust her, but he is hell-bent on saving her.

    When his wife and the mother of his children goes missing, Jack Gamble doesn’t know what to think. Could Maddy really have fallen for one of her students and run off? That’s what the police think.

    Is she in trouble? Injured somewhere? Being held against her will? At first, there are no clues. She has simply vanished.

    Then, the police and other agents of the New Zealand government begin to pull back the veil on the hidden evidence, and Jack begins to unravel the mystery. He and a few others embark on a harrowing journey to rescue Maddy from the grips of the Chinese government.

    The journey takes him across New Zealand and then to Vanuatu. They’re on a poor Pacific island when a showdown occurs between two very determined women and China, a rising and menacing power. The outcome is hard to foresee among the many twists and turns.

    This is a powerful and moving novel about private citizens challenging an overreaching totalitarian government with limitless resources and connections. Two strong women prove to be formidable adversaries to a brutal and powerful Chinese regime.

    ©2022 Gregor Pratt (P)2023 Gregor Pratt

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