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Couverture de DragonSeer


De : S. Rodman
Lu par : Joel Leslie
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    Two lovers, our dragons, eggs on the way, and one cottage.

    It's everything I need to be happy. But my partners were meant for greater things; I can feel it in my bones.

    Kirby is radiance and light. His presence is too big for a Welsh valley in the middle of nowhere. Cai is doing so well, but he is clearly a shattered man.

    They both need more, and I need to give it to them. The world needs them too. It would be selfish of me to keep Cai and Kirby to myself. If only I knew how to get us out of this situation.

    Then, the night Ri lays his eggs, everything changes.

    I'm having visions. I know things I shouldn't. I'm guided to a miracle for Cai. And when an injured tylwyth falls into my lap, I know just what to do.

    The world is changing, but with Kirby and Cai by my side, nothing—absolutely nothing—is going to keep me down.

    DragonSeer is set in our modern world, one where dragons fly every night, you just can't see them. It contains a gay why-choose love triangle with high steam, high stakes, high angst, and a happy-for-now ending. It is book two of the series which is intended to be listened to in order. For mature listeners.

    ©2023 S. Rodman (P)2024 Podium Audio
    • Série : DragonKin, Volume 2
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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