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Couverture de Dragon Lord

Dragon Lord

De : James Eggebeen
Lu par : BJ Harrison
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    The dragons have passed into history, or so everyone believes....

    When a failed attempt to end the rise to the Temple of Ran leads Sulrad to the truth, he discovers that the near extinct dragons might just be the weapon he needs to put an end to the scheming of the wizards of Amedon once and for all.

    But dragons are crafty and not to be trusted. If it were not for the magic of Sulrad's one true childhood friend, all would be lost. But even with the help of the dwarves and the dragons, the wizards of Amedon are nothing to be trifled with.

    Is Sulrad willing to give up the rich lifestyle he's come to enjoy as the high priest of Ran in order to take his revenge on the wizards of Amedon? What if Sulrad's victory could destroy not only the wizards, but the dragons who stole magic from the common man?

    How much is he willing to risk?

    The Dragon Lord completes the origin story of Sulrad from the Apprentice to Master Series and introduces the genesis of the wizards Rotiaqua and Zhimosom to be completed in The Sorceress. 

    ©2021 James Eggebeen (P)2021 Tantor

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