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  • Dr. Sebi Treatment and Cure

  • The Revolutionary Guide for Treatment and Cure of Herpes, Diabetes, Cancer, Weight Loss and Detox Your Body with the Help of the Alkaline Diet
  • De : Samuel Johnson
  • Lu par : Robert Plank
  • Durée : 6 h et 11 min

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Dr. Sebi Treatment and Cure

De : Samuel Johnson
Lu par : Robert Plank
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    Are you looking for Dr. Sebi's cures and treatments for herpes? Are you looking for natural ways to completely eliminate the herpes simplex virus from your body? Do you want to learn the secrets of Dr. Sebi's alkaline diet? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, this is the guide for you! Keep reading....

    Dr. Sebi has developed a natural and revolutionary method for treating all ailments related to herpes. In fact, he was able to overcome negative symptoms by using the miraculous power of certain herbs during his healing process. Herpes is a very frustrating infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Many people today suffer from this nasty virus, and most believe there is no cure. Are you worried now? Please don't worry. This audiobook provides detailed instructions on how to treat the herpes simplex virus (HSV) naturally within five days with the seven most effective herbs recommended by Dr. Sebi.

    Dr. Sebi Cure for Herpes provides a simple and effective way to manage herpes viruses naturally. In this audiobook, you'll learn:

    • How to recognize the first signs of herpes and what precautions to take to avoid the recurrence of the virus?
    • The step-by-step procedure for the natural treatment of all types of herpes, even if you have intolerances.
    • How to use an innovative autopilot system to take all of Dr. Sebi's natural products and how much of each you should be taking
    • Dr. Sebi's approved alkaline diet in the fight against herpes
    • Dr. Sebi's natural cures for diabetes
    • Dr. Sebi's list of herbal cures for cancer
    • Doctor Sebi's list of herbs to cleanse your body's organs and systems
    • Dr. Sebi's alkaline diet recipes

    And many others.

    Infected people can suffer significant damage and disease from herpes. You can safely find natural ways to control and manage the herpes virus in this simple and comprehensive guide.

    Keep in mind that you don't have to spend a fortune on ineffective drugs and medications—all you need to do is stick to Dr. Sebi's alkaline diet.

    ©2022 Samuel Johnson (P)2022 Eclectic Editions Limited Company

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