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Couverture de Dr. Colbert's Healthy Brain Zone

Dr. Colbert's Healthy Brain Zone

De : Don Colbert
Lu par : Tom Parks
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    More and more, science is proving that a healthy digestive system is the key to a healthy brain and body—making this book the natural follow-up to Dr. Colbert's Healthy Gut Zone and Beyond Keto.

    From Don Colbert, MD—the New York Times best-selling author who brought you the Keto Zone, the Hormone Zone, and the Healthy Gut Zone—comes his latest and most revolutionary book yet: Dr. Colbert's Healthy Brain Zone! Dr. Colbert looks inside the science and provides natural protocols and treatments for cognitive decline, including the following:

    • A weekly plan that incorporates supplements and healthy eating for optimum results

    • Thirty easy-to-make recipes for restoring balance and maximizing brain function

    • Instructions for other simple protocols that help you maintain a healthy brain

    Join him as he builds upon the knowledge about the gut-brain connection provided in Dr. Colbert's Healthy Gut Zone and the ultimate healthy eating lifestyle in Beyond Keto to offer hope for preventing, slowing, and fighting memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer's, and other cognitive disorders.

    ©2023 Don Colbert (P)2023 Siloam

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