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Couverture de Dr. Blair's German in No Time

Dr. Blair's German in No Time

De : Robert Blair
Lu par : Robert Blair
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    Deep in the Black Forest, a mad clockmaker is using his world-famous cuckoo clocks in a devious plot to take over the world! It's up to you to get past his minions, find the clockmaker, foil his evil plans, and save the world. That's a tall order! What will you need to complete it? Well, for starters, you'll need a working knowledge of the German language.

    Who says that learning a language can't be fun? With Dr. Blair's German in No Time, you will:
    • Immediately learn German that you can use in real situations
    • Learn the practical applications you need
    • Develop vocabulary through entertaining stories and games
    • Master easy and effective memory tricks

    Whether you're a businessperson, student, or traveler, whether you're brushing up on a forgotten language or just interested in learning a new one, Dr. Blair's German in No Time teaches you the skills you need at the pace you want, jump-starting your study with a variety of methods that keep the experience fun, fresh, and motivating.

    Why rely on old, out-dated techniques to learn a new language? Dr. Blair's German in No Time offers the up-to-the-minute advantages that you won't hear anywhere else!

    ©2005 Gildan Audio & Power-Glide (P)2005 Gildan Audio & Power-Glide

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