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Downtime Shift

De : Robert Holding
Lu par : Ariel Royce
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Evelyn is a "Shifty" - identified as a child in an AI orphanage, and later selected for specialist highly immersive field training by a secretive organization. 

The purpose: a five-year secondment in time!

As her deployment draws near, she suspects the motivations of "the organization" are not exactly as they claim and her own post-shift prospects may not be, either!

From her hiding place in Downtime, she decides to risk her fugitives' anonymity for a curious look at the next shift, and what she witnesses there sparks a chain of events and a journey that could decide humanity's fate. With help from her mysterious new allies, she sets out to expose the dangerous self-interests of her superiors and the real origin and purpose of the echo loop.

Questioning the motives and beliefs of others, though, she's also going to have to question her own. A place in the future's history was the last thing she wanted...but it appears it might already be inevitable!

©2019, 2020 Robert Holding (P)2020 Robert Holding
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