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Couverture de Downfall


De : Kerry Kaya
Lu par : Annie Aldington
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    The first in a BRAND NEW series from bestselling author Kerry Kaya

    The Carter Family are back and this time they mean trouble...

    One wrong move...

    As the current head of the family firm, Jimmy Carter has decided it’s time for him to step down and for one of his other brothers to lead the family. Except only one of his brothers wants the job – the youngest Carter brother - reckless hot-head, Jonny.

    Carla Carter has never forgiven her tramp of a mother for cheating on her beloved dad, Sonny and she’s determined to avenge him in the most perfect way: by stealing from the man who stole everything from her.

    Could mean their downfall.

    Her Uncle Jimmy would never consider Carla’s plan – it’s way too risky and dangerous. But Jonny needs to prove himself. He thinks this job could be the one to secure their future and prove his name as the new top dog.

    But with Carla and Jonny both blinded by their own pride, the rest of the Carters think they are making a deadly mistake. And instead of securing their family legacy, this one job could cost the Carter family everything...

    ©2024 Kerry Kaya (P)2024 Boldwood Books

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