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Couverture de Down Payment on Death

Down Payment on Death

De : Jim Eldridge
Lu par : full cast, Manning Wilson, Frances Jeater, Glyn Owen, Dinsdale Landen, Jon Croft, Peter Craze
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    Dinsdale Landen stars in this gripping vintage 1970s crime drama about a retired hitman tempted by one last job

    Sick of the spying business, professional assassin Art Gordo decides to quit the Secret Service - but his old life won't leave him alone.

    It's Christmas, three months after his retirement, and Gordo is visited by an old colleague with a proposition. A senior MI7 agent has been selling secrets to the opposition and needs to be eliminated - and the job can't be traced back to the Department. What's more, the task must be completed within the next five days. Clarke's offering big money - but despite the temptation, Art turns him down. Only someone won't take 'no' for an answer.

    Hunted by a mysterious nemesis who'll stop at nothing - including murder - to get their way, Gordo finds himself caught in a deadly game of deception, double-cross and betrayal. To stay alive, he must find out the truth about his shadowy target, and re-enter a world he thought he'd left behind. A world with only one rule: kill or be killed...

    Originally produced in the 1970s, this twisty, fast-moving suspense thriller stars Dinsdale Landen as Art Gordo and Frances Jeater as Louise.

    Production credits

    Adapted from his own novel by Jim Eldridge

    Produced by John Fawcett Wilson

    Art Gordo - Dinsdale Landen
    Clarke - Manning Wilson
    Louise Lenehan - Frances Jeater
    Ben/Roberts/Man on phone - Jon Croft
    Joe/Ferguson - Peter Craze
    Charles Allweather - Glyn Owen
    Paul Le Clerk - Donald Gee
    Sally Le Clerk - Joanna Wake
    Leon Young - Basil Henson
    Francis/Forbes - Douglas Blackwell
    Parsons - Terrence Hardiman
    Hotel porter - Frank Coda

    First broadcast on BBC World Service, 3-31 May 1976

    ©2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

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