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Couverture de Doomsday Recon

Doomsday Recon

De : Jason Anspach, Ryan Williamson
Lu par : Mark Boyett
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    U.S. Cav Trooper Nephi Bennett's Humvee went from Panama to hell in the blink of an eye. Now, he needs to find his way back home—if he can live that long.

    The year is 1989. America has just invaded Noriega's Panama. And Specialist Bennett's platoon of Cav Scouts are in country… with, frankly, not a whole lot to do.

    Until a freak rainstorm somehow transports the entire platoon—Humvees, weapons, and all—to another world. A world controlled by a wicked Aztec god. The Land of the Black Sun.

    In a heartbeat, the Scouts find themselves fighting for their lives against savage beasts, witches, zombies, subhuman tribes seeking sacrifices… and even themselves. Fuel runs low, ammo grows scarce, and their only allies are a tribe of all-female warriors and a single fledgling sorceress with a decidedly mean streak.

    But the fun has only just begun. Things in the Land of the Black Sun are about to become far more dangerous than Specialist Bennett could have ever imagined. For an ancient evil awaits…

    …and Bennett and his fellow Cav troopers will meet it with blood and steel.

    Embark on the adventure of a lifetime with Associated Press bestselling author Jason Anspach and Ryan Williamson in this brand-new military fantasy series. If you're a fan of modern warriors and weapons laying the hate on the armies of ancient evil, this is just the story you've been waiting for.

    ©2023 Ryan Williamson and Jason Anspach (P)2024 Podium Audio

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