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  • Don't Waste Time with the Wrong Guy Ever Again

  • Spot Red Flags, Discern Compatibility, and Date with Dignity!
  • De : Sandy Kolta
  • Lu par : Sandy Kolta
  • Durée : 3 h et 15 min

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Don't Waste Time with the Wrong Guy Ever Again

De : Sandy Kolta
Lu par : Sandy Kolta
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    Have you ever encountered a man who suddenly vanished or changed his attitude toward you? Or, perhaps, a man who seemed like a knight in shining armor but ended up as your worst nightmare?

    Don’t Waste Time with the Wrong Guy Ever Again offers a unique Christian dating perspective based on studies, research, real-life experiences, and practical biblical wisdom.

    In this audiobook, you’ll learn to:

    • Guard your time against manipulative and flakey men
    • Protect your boundaries in dating to avoid entangling with psychopaths or narcissists
    • Filter out the wrong men by identifying toxic patterns, red flags, and abuse cycles
    • Confidently discern when to say yes or no to a first or second date
    • Distinguish a godly, marriage-minded man from a wolf in sheep’s clothing using checklists and reflection questions embedded throughout the book
    • Act like a prize to be cherished, by learning the attractive mind-set of high-value women
    • Date with dignity
    • Stay optimistic about your dating life and move forward past relationship disappointments and hurts

    Dating is a battleground, and the scars you may have now proved how its players can be vicious. You deserve to find love and emotional freedom.

    The cycle of hopelessness, anxiety, and negative thinking about dating stops now. Buy Don’t Waste Time with the Wrong Guy Ever Again today!

    ©2020 Sandy Fahmy (P)2020 Sandy Fahmy

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