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  • Don't Stay a Secret

  • Grow Your Confidence Creating Videos That Get Views
  • De : Felicia H. Yap
  • Lu par : Felicia H. Yap
  • Durée : 6 h et 23 min

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Couverture de Don't Stay a Secret

Don't Stay a Secret

De : Felicia H. Yap
Lu par : Felicia H. Yap
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    Do you want to start publishing videos of yourself but something’s getting in the way? Do you feel frustrated and overwhelmed by the thought of shooting and editing videos yourself? Do you struggle with not feeling good enough to share your message?

    In this practical and inspiring book, you’ll learn:

    • The nine steps to set up your smartphone for video success
    • How to start loving your voice and your body when you watch clips of yourself
    • How to write your own story in a way that connects with your audience
    • How to share your experiences for maximum impact
    • How to light up a room while leading live talks in person and on virtual stages
    • Camera-friendly makeup and wardrobe essentials
    • How to deal with criticism and crickets

    You’ll also hear triumphant stories of everyday people who confronted insecurities and are living successful lives because they had the courage to show up on camera and share their story.

    Felicia’s road to video confidence wasn’t easy. Faced with self-doubt and body-doubt and told she couldn’t do it because of the way she looked and sounded, Felicia reveals how she went from an introvert to a television news anchor presenting live to an audience of tens of thousands every day, before becoming a digital content creator and then a video confidence coach, alongside the important lessons that you can adopt to start showing up confidently on video and in life.

    With radical vulnerability, humor, and heart, Felicia shows you that when armed with the right tools, you too can create professional-looking videos so you can hit the gas and start achieving your goals faster.

    ©2022 Felicia H. Yap (P)2022 Felicia H. Yap

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