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Couverture de Don't Shut Up

Don't Shut Up

De : Prakhar Gupta, Mudit Yadav
Lu par : Ashish Bhandari
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    Your success in this world is proportional to your ability to manage the world and get what you need while building sustainable relationships. Communication in its various forms is the technology that allows you to do this. This is a handbook or a dictionary of communication related situations and how we would solve them.

    This is a simple and directly applicable toolkit for a communication-related situation you might have Tuesday morning for a presentation, or Friday evening on a date. What do you need with friends, dates, college, work, and life? What causes you to hold your voice in these situations and shut up? We magnified your life one conversation at a time, and discovered 23 situations which have the potential to impact your life and happiness. These 23 situations became the chapters for this book.

    How to use this book? Listen to the chapter you need, prepare for that conversation and when the time comes, don't shut up.

    About the Authors

    Prakhar Gupta took the internet by storm with his videos on philosophy, culture, and life. He quickly developed a social media following of half a million people who devour his many online courses on communication, confidence, and happiness. He graduated from Columbia University in New York City and is a regular speaker at top institutes including IIT, NLUS, SRCC, and more.

    Mudit Yadav is a keynote speaker and executive coach on communication, leadership, and influence. He is the author of the book: Be Invincible—The mindset, skills and habits for sustainable growth and success. He has coached global executives at Google, Caterpillar, Cisco, Siemens, Diageo, Autodesk, PwC, EY, and more. He is also a Chartered Accountant, CFA Charter holder, and ex-strategy consultant.

    ©2024 Prakhar Gupta and Mudit Yadav (P)2024 Random House Audio

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