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Couverture de Don't Leave Me This Way

Don't Leave Me This Way

De : Julia Fox Garrison
Lu par : Joyce Bean
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    Julia Fox Garrison refused to listen to the professionals she called Dr. Jerk and Dr. Panic, who - after she suffered a massive, debilitating stroke at age thirty-seven - told her she’d probably die, or to Nurse Doom, who ignored her emergency call button. Instead she heeded the advice of kind, gifted Dr. Neuro, who promised her he would “treat your mind as well as your body.” Julia figured if she could somehow manage to get herself into a wheelchair, at least she’d always find parking. But after many, many months of hospitalization and rehab - with the help of family, friends, and her own indomitable spirit - Julia not only got into a wheelchair, but she got back out.

    Don’t Leave Me This Way is the funny, inspiring, profoundly moving true story of a woman’s fight for her life and dignity - and her determined quest to awaken an entrenched, unfeeling medical community to the fact that there’s always a human being inside every patient.

    ©2006 Julia Fox Garrison (P)2012 Brilliance Audio, Inc.


    “Worth reading, every page of it.” ( Detroit Free Press)
    "Inspiring... A moving story that pulls readers through her most humbling and most triumphant moments.” ( Boston Magazine)

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