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Couverture de Don't Just Speak It, Write It

Don't Just Speak It, Write It

De : Don Newman
Lu par : Herson J. Gonzalez Jr.
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    What does it take to become a great Christian author who impacts lives and leaves a legacy in print?

    To produce a great Christian book one must first live it, and then one must write it. To create a true page-turner, the author must write a book that meets a need, heals a hurt, or answers a question. No one is more qualified to write a book like that than those who serve others in ministry. They possess not only the knowledge of God's word and vital insight into his message to the church, they're also deeply familiar with the very people who are seeking those answers. While they are the most qualified, many ministry leaders fail to truly grasp why they should write a book, and how that book could impact the world for generations to come.

    Don Newman has helped hundreds of pastors find the book hidden within, and through his coaching countless ministry leaders have become published authors. A pastor himself for over 20 years, Don recognizes that if we want to continue to expand the kingdom of God, we need not only the power of God through his Holy Spirit, we also need men and women who will write what God has showed them so a legacy in print can influence many beyond their own circles. Don't Just Speak It, Write It: How Every Pastor Can Become a Published Author is a compilation taken from hours of coaching pastors on how to find the book hidden within.

    ©2018 Donald Newman (P)2019 Donald Newman

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