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Couverture de Domestic Chic

Domestic Chic

De : Kristin Sollenne
Lu par : Kathy L Sartin
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    Rising culinary star Chef Kristin Sollenne has been making headlines for her contemporary food philosophy, approachable cooking tips, and re-imagined healthy dishes. Rather than the sometimes-overwhelming cookbook approach, Kristin has provided you with the ultimate go-to guide for cooking and entertaining by the seasons.

    With 16 pre-planned menus and more than 100 recipes with innovative décor tips to coincide with holidays and celebrations during each season, this is your "one stop shop" to hosting a fashionably fabulous affair! Unique flavors and pairings are awakened through each menu, along with touching family stories and traditions.

    As a certified nutritionist, Kristin focuses on fresh in-season produce and the lavishness of each season to guide your palette. Passionate about healthy, flavorful dishes, she demonstrates a farm-to-table approach to traditional Italian style cooking. Think: a modern day twist on your grandmother's classics! Speaking of modern day - check out Kristin's specialty line of kitchen couture designer aprons, CELLINI, and always entertain with passion and flair.

    ©2015 Waldorf Publishing (P)2015 Waldorf Publishing

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