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Couverture de Dolphin’s Playground

Dolphin’s Playground

De : Jaci Burton
Lu par : Tatiana Sokolov
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    Dr. Jasmine "Jaz" Quinlan's life's work is to care for marine mammals at the California Bay Aquarium. What she'd rather do is spend her life in the ocean with the creatures she loves, preferring their company to any human's. When a dozen dolphins beach themselves, she takes them into her care, bound and determined to save them.

    Trey, guardian of the dolphins and a member of Oceana, an undersea civilization, wants nothing to do with land humans - especially females. But he's forced to work with Jaz to help his sick dolphins.

    The moment Jaz meets Trey, he lights a fire within her that no ocean can douse. His passion and love for sea life is an equal match for hers, and when she finds out who he is and where he lives, her wildest dreams become a reality.

    Despite his preconceived notions, Trey finds himself falling for Jaz's passion and caring nature. She loves the sea as much as he does, awakening desires he has to fight to keep buried.

    When two different worlds separate Jaz and Trey, love must find a way to unite them.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2004 Jaci Burton (P)2019 Tantor
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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