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Couverture de Dog Rose Dirt

Dog Rose Dirt

De : Jen Williams
Lu par : Emily Pennant Rea
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    ‘Creepy and compelling’ HARRIET TYCE
    ‘Brilliant – filled with tension and twists’ SARAH PINBOROUGH
    ‘An unsettling, terrifying thriller’ ABIGAIL DEAN
    ‘Masterclass in suspense’ THE TIMES
    ‘Will have you up all night with the lights on’ ELLE

    What if your mother had been writing to a serial killer?

    A convicted murderer with a story to tell

    Serial killer Michael Reave – known as The Red Wolf – has been locked in Belmarsh Prison for over 20 years for the brutal and ritualistic murders of countless women.

    A grieving daughter with a secret to unearth

    Ex-journalist Heather Evans returns to her childhood home after her mother’s inexplicable suicide and discovers something chilling – hundreds of letters between her mother and Reave, dating back decades.

    A hunt for a killer ready to strike again

    When the body of a woman is found decorated with flowers, just like his victims, Reave is the only person alive who could help. After years of silence, he will speak to Heather, and only Heather.

    If she wants to unearth the truth and stop further bloodshed, she’ll have to confront a monster.

    ‘One of the creepiest serial killer thrillers I’ve encountered in a long time’ AMY MCCULLOCH
    ‘I read it heart in mouth’ HARRIET TYCE
    ‘Terrifying, fun and insightful’ NATHAN RIPLEY
    ‘Taut and stylish’ E.G. SCOTT
    ‘Brimming with secrets’ MEGAN COLLINS
    ‘Strangely beautiful, powerful and disturbing.’ HEAT
    ‘Chilling’ BELLA

    ©2021 Jen Williams (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers Limited

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