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  • Doctor David Livingstone and Bishop Charles Mackenzie

  • The Universities Mission to Central Africa (Peter Baxter History, Book 1)
  • De : Peter Baxter
  • Lu par : Peter Baxter
  • Durée : 5 h et 42 min

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Doctor David Livingstone and Bishop Charles Mackenzie

De : Peter Baxter
Lu par : Peter Baxter
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    This story deals with the first great and documented humanitarian tragedy in African history. The East African slave trade, the lesser known of the two branches of the African slave trade, flourished in virtual anonymity as the attention of the world was focused on the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade and the destruction of slavery in the Western hemisphere. Doctor David Livingstone, the great Victorian missionary explorer, devoted his life to witnessing and publicizing this grotesque African trade. 

    The Universities Mission to Central Africa was the first orchestrated intervention in the South-Central African region, and it is a cautionary tale for centuries of similar efforts to follow.

    ©2019 Peter Baxter (P)2019 Peter Baxter
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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