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Couverture de Do Not Answer

Do Not Answer

De : Kasey Riley
Lu par : Christy Hodson
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    Anna and John are busy planning their wedding when they get a disturbing message from George. His pilot has discovered another corporate jet sitting at the airport in Oneida, Tennessee. The plane belongs to Foxborough Medical Industries. John Calvin Foxborough is on board. Horrible news for Anna and John. The man hasn't given up having Anna as his star lab rat. How can they get married on Thursday if they need to elude FMI again? How can they keep the children safe from the scientists who want to use their DNA? John and Anna go on the offensive. With the help of their new neighbors and friends in Catfish Creek, the solution may be permanent this time.

    Follow Anna and John on this journey to their happily ever after. The road so far has been bumpy; hopefully, it will smooth out for their wedding. After all, what can happen at a wedding? Surprise wedding guests, of course."

    Five babies with special gifts, family, and a new puppy - who else will show up in time for the ceremony? See how all the details are polished off in this final book of the DNA Trilogy.

    ©2022 Kimberly C Grant (P)2023 Kimberly C Grant

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