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Couverture de Divorce with Grace

Divorce with Grace

De : Lori Anderson
Lu par : Lori Anderson
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    A step-by-step guide to healing, releasing, and ultimately thriving. When you walked down the aisle and said, “I do,” did you ever think you’d be saying, “I don’t”? During a difficult divorce, author Lori Anderson set out on a quest for healing. Having witnessed too many victims of divorce, who were stuck in a rut and living only half a life, she sought something better for herself.

    In Divorce with Grace, Anderson share her experience and hard won insights, guiding you through the steps of GRACE, she discovered. This audiobook will inspire you to live full out, and ultimately see the light after divorce. She provides exercises and healing techniques to expedite your healing process, conscious choices to “become better, not bitter”, helpful advice and self-care techniques that assist you during the emotionally charged divorce process… so you can get on with your amazing life.

    Listeners will come away with grace for themselves, grace for the situation, and even grace for their ex. You’ll gain clarity on what you truly want in this new phase of your life. Through the GRACE journey, divorce can be an exciting, exploratory time that catapults you to a richer, juicier life.

    ©2013 Lori Anderson (P)2013 Lori Anderson


    "Utterly compelling. Divorce with Grace takes the listener on a jourey of introspection through the difficult time of divorce. As a result of listening to this audiobook, you see the light after divorce and you become a better YOU!" (Janet Bray Attwood, New York Times Bestselling Author, The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Living Your Life Purpose)

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