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Couverture de Divine Trust

Divine Trust

De : Dr. Nancy Wiley
Lu par : Dr. Nancy Wiley
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    How to trust in the divine and end your suffering despite what’s going on in your life.

    Ever notice how when a traumatic event happens, your mind starts spinning? Our thoughts can become trapped in the past or anxious about an event happening again in our future. We relive this traumatic event over and over again in our heads.

    Fortunately, there is an alternative that brings relief and allows us to move forward once again. Through her own journey of pain and suffering, author Dr. Nancy Wiley had a spiritual awakening that resulted in emotional freedom. In Divine Trust, she offers a direct and easy step-by-step solution to end your stress and despair.

    Based on 44 years of carefully researched scientific and spiritual principles, and direct experience, the wisdom in Divine Trust will give you unquestioning knowing that:

    • There is a divine source that is hosting the energy of all things, including you
    • This source is sentient and alive and is calling to you and wants you to see it
    • This source is gentle, generous, forgiving, forever giving, nurturing, and, most importantly, loving

    Once you surrender to divine trust, your life takes on a whole new and enriched level of living. It is almost like moving from living in black and white to living in rich, vibrant technicolor! You are in effect bringing Heaven to yourself!

    In Divine Trust, you will also develop the confidence and experience to have:

    • A feeling of a deep and nourishing connection to this divine source
    • An ability to achieve the state of trust at any time
    • A method for dissolving your suffering
    • A technique to live in happiness and even bliss
    • A feeling or a knowing that you are safe
    • A sense of deep peace

    After practicing the techniques in this audiobook, you may even have a full-blown experience of enlightenment!

    ©2022 Dr. Nancy Wiley (P)2022 Dr. Nancy Wiley

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