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  • Divine Guidance from the Akashic Records

  • Your Essential Blueprint for Living a Spiritual Life in a Human Body
  • De : Jennifer Longmore
  • Lu par : Meg Dorsett
  • Durée : 2 h et 37 min

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Divine Guidance from the Akashic Records

De : Jennifer Longmore
Lu par : Meg Dorsett
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    As we go through life, many of us find ourselves faced with questions and challenges that we don’t always feel we have the answers for. You are certainly not in the minority if you’ve ever wished that there was a road map, some guidebook to life that might make navigating some of these challenges a bit easier. Such thoughts, though, are usually dismissed as wishful thinking, but actually, that is not true at all.

    You can utilize the Akashic Records to access limitless divine guidance and healing. By accessing your records, you will gain crystal clarity about how you receive divine messages and best integrate this wisdom into your everyday life. The problems and challenges that you face will seem far less daunting when you are able to clear any and all limiting patterns and energy blocks that are ultimately holding you back from being all that you are.

    Divine Guidance from the Akashic Records: Your Essential Blueprint for Living a Spiritual Life in a Human Body includes:

    • Co-creating with your Akashic Records.
    • Illusions and fear: Release them once and for all in your records.
    • Releasing the need to escape life.
    • Living your soul’s purpose fully.
    • Healing and transmuting energies for optimal alignment.
    • Manifesting abundance.

    And so much more!

    Divine Guidance from the Akashic Records: Your Essential Blueprint for Living a Spiritual Life in a Human Body is the perfect book to guide you on how to tend to your body's consciousness, navigate planetary energies, embody peace, re-discover your divine gifts and talents, cultivate and nurture relationships, and shift limiting belief patterns to create what you really want!

    ©2022 Jennifer Longmore (P)2023 Jennifer Longmore

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