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Couverture de Divine Core

Divine Core

De : Kevin Sinclair
Lu par : Simon Wright
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    You can't just go around draining the Ethereal Cores of the gods.

    Firstly, it kills them, and they're supposed to be immortal. And secondly...Well, that's just not how things are done!

    Unfortunately, no one told Clive that, and now two gods are dead at his hand. Now, he's imprisoned awaiting judgment, and no amount of brute strength or pure obstinance will be enough to wriggle out of this delicate dilemma.

    It's going to require Intelligence, Charisma, and tact in bundles. Or he could take a deal that nobody thinks he can live up to. Especially not Clive....

    Yet, with the fate of Falritas hanging in the balance and the fated return of Hakan, the original god of Creation, Clive has no choice but to take the deal.

    ©2022 Kevin Sinclair (P)2024 Podium Audio

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