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  • Disruptive Leadership

  • Using fire to drive purposeful change
  • De : Mark Bateman
  • Lu par : Mark Bateman
  • Durée : 6 h et 34 min

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Disruptive Leadership

De : Mark Bateman
Lu par : Mark Bateman
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    Today’s ever-changing landscape needs leaders who do not just adapt, but also purposefully disrupt to transform outcomes.

    Disruptive Leadership is your guide to a pioneering leadership journey, packed with strategies and insights to spark lasting, meaningful change within yourself, your organisation and beyond. Dive into this audiobook to:

    • Discover your own ‘fire’ and its powerful role in disruptive leadership
    • Hear diverse voices from global leaders on creating effective disruption
    • Create a culture of disruption that nurtures innovation and sustained growth
    • Equip yourself and your people with the mindset and skills needed to thrive in an increasingly complex business environment
    ©2024 Mark Bateman (P)2024 Rethink Press Ltd


    ‘I love the introspection throughout this book; it’s one part therapy, one part leadership. So many books try to do the second without addressing the first.’

    Joan Colletta, Senior Director Global Brand Marketing, McDonald’s Corp

    ‘An invigorating read that draws parallels between the fundamentals of leadership with elements of nature. Fire symbolises purpose-driven leadership, fuel denotes talent and cash, and oxygen epitomises market dynamics. This book will guide you through a systemic and emphatic approach to make your leadership a transformative force.’

    Umang Vohra, Managing Director and Global CEO, Cipla Ltd

    ‘Transformative, thought-provoking and packed with real-world insights and interviews.’

    Sarala Menon, EVP, E2E Supply Chain, Colgate Palmolive India and South Asia

    ‘Packed with real-world insights, Disruptive Leadership provides the blueprint for transformative and sustainable leadership. A masterclass in driving change with purpose.’

    Dame Inga Beale, Portfolio Director and former CEO of Lloyd’s of London

    ‘Filled with true business examples, creative analogies and managerial insights rarely mentioned in leadership literature. Thought provoking and offers clear-headed guidance for any type of leader facing disruptive leadership challenges.

    Zoran Bogdanovic, CEO, Coca-Cola Hellenic

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