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Couverture de Discovering the Bible

Discovering the Bible

De : Omar Newell
Lu par : Chase Duvernay
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    Discovering the Bible: A Guide for Laypersons and New Teachers is a comprehensive yet accessible resource designed to help individuals deepen their understanding of the Bible and effectively teach its timeless truths. Aimed at laypersons, new Bible study leaders, or anyone looking to enrich their personal journey with God's Word, this guide offers a clear and engaging roadmap for navigating the complexities and beauty of Scripture.

    The book outlines each book of the old testament, providing a brief overview, essential themes, and practical teaching ideas to make the Scriptures come alive in a relatable and engaging way. The primary goal is to equip listeners with the tools and insights necessary to lead transformative Bible studies that inspire and challenge both the leader and the participants. Discovering the Bible aims to empower believers to embrace their calling as teachers of God's Word by demystifying the process of leading Bible studies. Through this guide, listeners will develop a more profound love for Scripture, a stronger faith, and the confidence to share the life-changing message of the Bible with others. Ultimately, this book serves as a helpful companion for anyone seeking to grow in their knowledge of God's Word and develop their skills as Bible study leaders.

    ©2023 Omar Newell (P)2023 Omar Newell

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