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Couverture de Dirty Calls

Dirty Calls

De : Sade Rena
Lu par : Aure Nash, Tyrell Andrews
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    It all started with the wrong number. I never expected he'd have me calling his name.


    New to town and overworked, all she wants is to put herself to sleep, but gets more than she bargains for when she answers a misdialed call. Curiosity takes hold and instead of hanging up, she joins in, enjoying herself way too much. Once satisfied and slightly embarrassed, she ends the call, finding comfort in knowing she’ll never have to hear from him again.


    After a long day in the office, he needs a release and is pleasantly surprised when he learns the call to his on again off again fling, is answered by another woman. Intrigued by her boldness and the sensuality of her voice, he rings her line the next day to finish what they started.

    This is crazy, right? Of course, it is, but against her better judgment, she begins to long for his obsessive nature. An easy choice to make, considering they’ve never seen each other and never will. But just as their connections heat up, Jessica learns shocking news that makes this whole affair of dirty calls somewhat forbidden, yet still sexy as hell.

    Dirty Calls is a steamy BWWM accidental romance novella and is book one in the Dirty Love Duet.

    ©2020 Sade Rena (P)2022 Sade Rena

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