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  • Directing Great Television

  • Inside TV’s New Golden Age
  • De : Dan Attias
  • Lu par : Dan Attias
  • Durée : 6 h et 28 min

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Directing Great Television

De : Dan Attias
Lu par : Dan Attias
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    Whether it’s the high-stakes pressure of solving a last-minute problem on set or the joy of pulling off a perfect shot by the skin of your teeth, Attias brings you right into the director’s chair, sharing his knowledge and taking you through the process one challenging episode at a time. Offering a fundamental focus on story, and eschewing industry language for plain talk, Attias offers in-depth guidance how best to work with actors, how to “speak” through the camera, how to work with a showrunner, and how to be ready for the many ways a director will be challenged, large and small. Directing Great Television is a fascinating window into television’s best shows, compelling to directors and non-directors alike. Attias’ book transcends other filmmaking guides by detailing his journey to a surprising place of self-discovery, one with applications beyond entertainment.

    ©2022 Dan Attias (P)2022 Dreamscape Media, LLC

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