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Couverture de Dinosaur X, Part 3

Dinosaur X, Part 3

De : Roma Gray
Lu par : Joshua Banks
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    THE MYSTERY AND DANGER INTENSIFY (Part 3 of a 6 part serial)

    In an unexplored valley, a mysterious dinosaur hides among the pine trees. What does it look like? What strange adaptations did the Reset give it when the Earth was converted into a world of modified dinosaurs? All anyone knows is that it is so deadly the other animals—even the fearless river raptors—refuse to enter its territory. Reset Military Research Team Red 7 went in to learn more about the creature that they have dubbed Dinosaur X.

    Red 7 never returned.

    A few weeks later, Orange 13 entered the valley searching for the lost team.
    They have found Red 7s camp, but not the men and women from the team. Instead, they are surrounded by odd surprises that don't seem to add up.

    Meanwhile, Blue 9 has been sent in to help.

    No one had expected anything to happen before they reached the valley. Why would they? Two teams had already hiked through the area without incident. However, they are soon reminded that the Reset has created more than one lethal predator.

    Blue 9 was supposed to save the other two teams, but who will save them?

    ©2023 Roma Gray (P)2024 Roma Gray

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