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Couverture de Dinner at God's House

Dinner at God's House

De : Todd B. Lieman
Lu par : Todd B. Lieman
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    What kind of life is possible when you finally learn to forgive, trust, and love yourself?

    Erik Bernstein wasn’t afraid of death. He was afraid of life. He battled with inadequacy and the feeling that he never belonged. He became an expert at deflecting intimacy to mask his shame, lies, self-doubt, and bad choices. From the time he was eleven years old, or even younger, death was never far from his mind. Needless to say, death was front of mind as he sat in the back corner of the synagogue, watching his own funeral.

    Long confused by religion and the belief in an all-knowing sky spirit, Erik is surprised to receive an unexpected invitation to dinner at God’s house. Unsure of who or what God even is, Erik embarks on an introspective journey with his childhood dog, Blondie, where he meets his long-lost best friend and other surprising characters from his life.

    Just as he begins to uncover the truths behind his most painful relationships and make peace with the demons that haunted him, Erik has an opportunity to meet God.

    And with one question, things become especially uncomfortable.

    Dinner at God’s House is a profound and thought-provoking metaphysical novel based loosely on the author’s life. Raw and insightful, it tells a compelling story of mental health, courage, personal growth, forgiveness, faith, spirituality, and healing.

    ©2024 Todd B. Lieman (P)2024 Todd B. Lieman

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