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De : Kelly Carr
Lu par : Megan Rutledge
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Imagine if one decision could determine your dignity...

Ellen was attractive, smart, ambitious and hard-working. If anyone seemed deserving of dignity, it was Ellen. A determined and tough minded executive at NNS (National News Source) in her mid-twenties, Ellen was on the fast track for a career in the ruthlessly competitive world of political journalism.

However, this young reporter was completely unprepared for the storm of circumstances that was about to test her devotion and reveal her dignity. It is amazing how secrets slip out during stressful situations. And secrets have a way of changing the way we feel.

When Ellen is suddenly given an opportunity for a promotion that will propel her career to national prominence she is faced with a once in a lifetime decision. Should she move to Washington D. C. and follow her career path or stay where she is and care for her aging grandmother. Uncertain which path to take Ellen turns to the one person who has always been her guiding star, her Gram, Nadine, but can she follow her advice this time? Nadine also reveals a family secret to Ellen that she has kept hidden for more than 50 years.

Join Ellen as she tries to unravel the maze of heart wrenching decision that leads her to her ultimate destiny. The twists and turns will keep you interested and her choices may surprise you in the end.

©2013 Franklin Publishing (P)2014 Franklin Publishing
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